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About Sacred Harp

Sacred Harp is a community singing tradition with American roots that go back hundreds of years.

In the words of NYC’s Squeaky Grumbler:

“The Sacred Harp tunebook represents a tradition of community part-singing that goes back to Revolutionary-era New England and is today widespread and lively. Sacred Harp (or fasola, or four-shape shapenote) singing has a distinctive sound (loud, open, rhythmic), text repertory (death-haunted hymns), organization (democratic), form in space (the hollow square), and look on the page (the triangular, oval, square, and diamond note heads).”

You can order books from the Sacred Harp Publishing Company. We also always have a few books available for loan or purchase at each singing. You can find much more information about this beloved tradition at or on Wikipedia.

No experience necessary — the best way to learn is to come sing with us! However, if you want to familiarize yourself with the music, the Sacred Harp community in Bremen, Germany has put together a handy website where robots will sing you all of the parts of each song.