Welcome to our new site for information about the New York City All-Day Singing and other Sacred Harp singing events in the New York City area.

Come sing with us!

♪ News

♪ News

Update as of June 10:

June's Christian Harmony singing will be on the fifth, not the fourth, weekend: that is, Saturday, June 29.

Update as of June 5:

Note that our Wednesday singing has a new starting time! “We sing at St. John's Lutheran as usual on Wednesday night for Midweek singing, at the new starting time of 6:00 and ending around 8:15. (That's at 81 Christopher Street in Greenwich Village.) Singing from the Denson edition of The Sacred Harp; all are welcome, no fee and no experience required.”

There are Sacred Harp singings in New York City most Wednesdays and some weekends. No singing experience is necessary, and all are welcome to attend. Books are available for loan or purchase at every gathering.